farmers working together for a clean lake champlain and thriving agriculture in vermont

Become a member and help us work towards a clean Lake Champlain and thriving agriculture in Vermont!

You can join in any of the following categories, but only farmer members are able to vote.  All memberships come with a free t-shirt!

Vermont Farmers

If you are farmer who cares about our environment, is willing to challenge yourself to find ways to be more economically viable, and is interesting in trying out new or unique farming practices, consider joining the Pay Online Here with PsBill Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition as a farmer member. Voting Member - $100/year (one vote/farm).


If you are passionate about agriculture but don't own or work on a farm, consider joining as an individual member. Non-Voting Member - $100/year.

Business Members

If you are Vermont business who works with or supports agriculture, consider joining as a business member. 

Benefits as a business member include: a "Proud Sponsor of CVFC" logo for your web site, the opportunity to be featured in our quarterly Newsletter, and a booth at our annual dinner. We will also put your logo on our website. Non-voting member - $250/year.

Government & Non-Profit Members

If you are a non-profit organization or government affiliate, consider joining as a non-profit/government affiliate member.  Non-Voting Member - $250/year.

Alternatively, if you want to fill out a paper application and mail a check then click HERE for a membership application.