USDA - Natural Resource Conservation Service (VT)

The Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition was started by funding through a VT NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant.

Champlain Valley Crop, Soil and Pasture Team - University of Vermont, Extension

The staff at "CVCROPS" provide technical and administrative support, as well as office and meeting space.

This team is supported through many different grant funding sources.

Their website contains a wealth of information on soil health, nutrient management, no-till, cover cropping, grazing management, and more! 

Citiwide Merchant Funding

The Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition has partial business funding through a Citiwide Funding Business loan.

Entrust Bankcard

The Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition has partial funding through a Entrust Bankcard Enterprise grant.

farmers working together for a clean lake champlain and thriving agriculture in vermont

Thank You to These Supporting Organizations!

Keep Local Farms Fund -  Must Be The Milk

The Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition has partial funding through a Keep Local Farms Fund grant.